
Some times we feel adrift in life - shipwrecked even.  The tides of day in-day out erode our reserves of strength and optimism.  We may face depression about our circumstances, especially with out of control habits like spending and acquiring material items.

You can find moorings for your emotions and your soul through minimalism.  By simplifying, the amount of distractions in your physical environment will lessen and dissipate.  Your clutter can be dealt with over time and new habits can raise you out of the dark waters of procrastination and over-consumption.

Your financial situation, however bleak, can be made better through education and financial literacy.  Many of us do not understand money.  We mistake it for being evil.  We remain ignorant about how to respect it and care for it.  It is an investment in time and patience, but learning how to manage money and make it grow pays literal and figurative dividends to the student of wealth.

Our culture is obsessed with staying busy.  Being overbooked is likened to a badge of honor.  Not only are we overloading ourselves, but our children are being pulled to activity upon activity, week after week, with an ever-tightening spiral leading to burnout and stress.  Minimalism can help you learn to find your balance, choosing the things that are meaningful to you, and learning to say no to the rest.

You don't have to be tossed by the waves of your circumstances.  You can land your troubled craft with simplification and find the shores of sanity, control, and peace.


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