The Great Interior

Unlock your Great Interior.  Once you turn your focus inward to the inner workings of your mind, a realm of possibility awaits in which you can transform into a new being - complete with new habits and interests.

When I started looking inward, I was aghast to find someone so desperately addicted to shopping and so droll and boring.  When I saw this, I wasn't thrown into depression; rather, I was inspired to change.

I started to purge my house twice a year, every year.  When I started, I some times would fill half of my dining room up with cast-offs.  As the years went by, the clutter was less and less, and I parted with more things that were extraneous in my mind.

The results of this effort were amazing.  I took control of my life as I never had before.  Not only did I purge old stuff, I purged bad habits like procrastination.  Not only did I trim my collection of knickknacks, I trimmed my shopping habit.

With the elimination of unnecessary spending, we were able to buckle down on our debt and retire all debt, including our mortgage, in 2015.  We have not been in debt since.  I wrote and published 3 books, started multiple blogs, tinkered with websites and social media, and experimented with marketing my products because I had explored my Great Interior and made peace with myself and believed in my own abilities.

God is to credit with this, but the vessel he used to hold the transforming power was minimalism and simplification.

If you are interested in learning more about the inner workings of the Great Interior, and how transforming your habits can be achieved using a minimalist mindset, I encourage you to check out my second book Minimize: The Great Interior.  It is available through Amazon in print and Kindle format.


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