
You've got the green light.  There is no better time than now to start reaching towards your dream life.  This moment, the moment you are in right now, is the best moment to start recalibrating and setting goals to help you achieve the greatest thing of all - what you want to achieve.

Set your overarching goal.  What is it you want in life?  What do you want to achieve?  Be specific, your life mission is no place to be nebulous.

Then set medium goals.  Where do you want to be in a year to five years?  Again, be specific.  If your overarching goal is to become a published author, then a medium goal may be to have a finished manuscript in one to two years.  Another goal may be to approach 5 publishers with your work.

Finally, set short term goals.  Short term goals should be able to be accomplished in a day or by seven days.  They should buttress your medium and long term goals.

Think of it this way:  The little stream of the short term goals feed into the rivers of the medium goals which feeds into the ocean of the overarching goal.  No goal is wasted, and each supports the bigger goal.

So if learning the guitar is your overarching goal,  is binge watching your favorite show a good short term goal?  Learn to reclaim your time for the pursuit of your dream life.  Goal setting can be a huge tool for achieving the life of your dreams.

And when you are going on the journey towards your dreams, you will be so glad you seized the moment to recalibrate.  You've got the green light.  Go.


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