Fake vs Real Rich

There are pretenders out there.

People want to look like they have it all.  They are obsessed with buying the right clothes, car, and education.  They want to eat at trendy places, do unique activities, and post it all on social media when they are done.

What they won't post on media is that they are up to their eyeballs in debt to get that post made.  They won't tell you how scared they are that they won't be able to pay their light bill, or that they just bought six packages of ramen noodles to make it through the week - even though they haven't been a college student for nine years.

These are the fake rich.  The ones that are in their 20's, 30's, and 40's that want to live like they have amassed wealth that usually takes most of a lifetime to build.  They are eaten up with the need to live fast, have big toys, and make a good impression.

Sure, the world celebrates their image; but, trust me, they are scared and miserable underneath it all.  That fantastic vacation they posted on their account was a week of their life that they spent two years trying to afford.  Don't be confused by what you see.  The fake rich are actually slaves with wifi.

The true rich carry it quietly.  They don't look like they have wealth; instead, they actually have wealth.  In pictures of Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, you will not find these men wearing an advertisement for a fashion house.  But, they could own a fashion house if they wanted to.

Build wealth, don't buy the image of wealth.  Your luxury items should represent a small portion of your holdings and income streams.  Buy assets, not liabilities.   Be rich, don't worry about looking rich.

Don't be a pretender.


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