Go to Sea

A ship is meant to move.

So are you.  If you have been playing around with the idea of getting your clutter under control but haven't been doing anything about it, you are like a docked ship.

You are meant to move.  Start small.  One drawer or one shelf.  Clean it off, clean it out, and get rid of the excess.  Your ship will start to move and gain momentum.

When you are in the middle of a massive clean out, you will be moving swiftly across the sea.  Purging gets easier as you go along.  As you are in motion, your progress will become evident.  You will have more benefits come to you in time, like less stress.

You will cut through the waters of your messes, chart a course for sanity, and sail on winds of change (for the better) as you start the decluttering process.  But, you have to start.  Your vessel is useless at the dock.

One drawer.  One shelf.  Start sailing.


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