
For most, Paradise is utter perfection.  It is a magical place filled with wondrous luxuries.  But, what if Paradise could be in your everyday?

Today is an average Thursday.  This morning I got up when I wanted to (luxury).  I fixed myself coffee using a french press (luxury), and added flavored syrup as I wished (another luxury).  I chatted with my mother for a bit, and then headed off to the gym - where I was able to work out as long as I wanted.

My life is full of simple luxuries.  I do not need a beach to be happy.  I need freedom.  I need to be able to live life on my terms.  Can you relate?

God brought me the ability to live with a great degree of freedom through simplification.  By stopping shopping, I am able to live on less than my typical American counterpart.  I am able to live differently and do different things with my time because I am not participating in conspicuous consumption.

I don't need a lot to be happy.  I find happiness in small things.  I do not spend my time wishing always for bigger and better.  What I have is enough, and it is sufficient for me.

Manage your expectations.  Be happy in the moment you are in; otherwise, you may not ever attain happiness.  If you are clothed, fed, sheltered, and no one is chasing you, you are far ahead of some less-fortunate souls in our population.  Realize that every moment abounds in simple luxuries.

Paradise.  Could it be your average Thursday?


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