Counting Down

At this time, it appears that the United States is preparing to reopen.  We are all eager and excited to rejoin society in a freer state.

I urge you to not forget the lessons learned during this wave of COVID-19.  If you had epiphanies, hang on to them.  If you had moments of insight, cherish them.  Don't let what you have learned go quietly into the night.

I learned early on into this that I was being more of a consumer than I thought.  My consumption of goods was more than it needed to be.  With the onset of rationing (toilet paper, food), I learned that the resources I have been blessed with are precious, indeed.  They need to be handled respectfully.  I thank God that he pressed it into my heart that I needed to change my mindset and make changes to my practical expression of my resource utilization and consumption.

I also realized that I need to be very flexible.  Rigidity would have crushed my business.  I was able to flex and adapt, and it has been wonderful.  Since I could not see clients, I got busy with other aspects of my business and got many projects done that I had needed to attend to for a long time.  I did not despair when the revenue stopped flowing.  I bent.  I didn't break.

I also had it confirmed to me that attitude matters.  I was able to remain positive, hopeful, and happy during the pandemic.  Not everyone was so blessed.  Attitude shapes our reality.  I treated the lockdown like a staycation, and I adjusted and actually loved being home so much.

Minimalism and Frugality prepared me to weather things as I have weathered them.  God put me on the path over 10 years ago.  Being frugal helped us to be in a great position to endure the loss of my income.  We still were able to eat what we wanted to eat and easily pay our bills.  Minimalism had prepared my home to be tranquil and not stressful.  There was no clutter, no projects needing to be done beyond weekly maintenance.

If you are intrigued to know more about how these lifestyles work together to produce more time, more money, and less stress, check out Simple Fly Life: The Manual today!  Lots of information and tools are packed into the pages, just waiting for you to use them to gain more personal freedom.  Use the link below to order your copy today!


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