Nature's Tenacity

In this picture, do you relate to the utility line cover, or do you relate to the flora that is overtaking it? It sometimes seems that nature is set against us.  We build; vines and plants break our structures down, and decay sets in to what people create.  We have to mow our yards, sweep our sidewalks, and the battle is never ending.

It can be frustrating to think about from that perspective.  I invite you to look at it another way.

Nature never quits.  It is actually very tenacious.  When we destroy, it regrows.  When we tear down, it springs up.  We are a part of nature.  We are of the earth.  That same earth continues to persevere.

In this troubled time, I encourage all of us to call upon that part of ourselves that is natural.  Not our fleshly desires, but the incredible courage we get because of where we came from.  When COVID tears our finances down, let us rebuild.  When we become isolated, let us grow in the relationships we have and make them stronger as we are able.

We can't stay in the same place and do this.  We have to grow.  We have to change and get outside of our comfort zone.  We can grow in adverse conditions.

Life doesn't have to be on hold.  We can grow another direction, or several directions.  We fail only when we give up.  

If your finances have taken a beating during the pandemic, I encourage you to take heart.  You can use the tools of budgeting and finding your net worth, which are explained in Simple Fly Life: The Manual, to start regrowing your wealth.  Two chapters are dedicated specifically to finances, and there is an appendix with over 40 ways to save money included in these pages.

I encourage you to grow and to order your copy of The Manual today.  Link below.


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