
In this time of social distance and economic shutdown, self-reflection can be easier than ever.  This is a precious time that I don't want to rush through.  The gift of being able to question, observe, and plan to change going forward is an awesome treasure, indeed.

In my own self-reflection, I came face-to-face with my own wastefulness.  There were many things I was doing without an acute awareness of the ramifications.  One, was spinning my toilet paper roll like I was spinning the wheel on the Price is Right game show.  Another was changing out perfectly good clothes on a whim because I was tired of them.  Yet another was food waste and careless management of my supply and resources.

I was humbled.  My pride that I felt about my own level of sustainability was unwarranted and had no legitimate claim.  I am in the process of making prayerful changes.

Another part of my self-reflection was realizing that I had been just as frenetic in my schedule as the people I poke fun at for championing being in a tizzy with their grind.  I, too, was squeezing in as much as I could.  My health took a back seat in my schedule, and sometimes my family did also.  I cherish this time of having nothing pressing - I go for daily walks, (sometimes more than one) and my evenings are spent at home with the cat and the husband.

I am so grateful to God for this wake-up call that came with COVID-19.  In my life, one of my passions is passing my "celery test" (a term out of Atomic Habits by James Clear).  The celery test is a test of authenticity.  In Mr. Clear's book, if you are going to say you are healthy, then faced with a choice of sugary snacks or celery at the grocery store, an authentically healthy person will choose celery.

I wish to root out all hypocrisy in my own life.  I wish to live according to my values.  It is such a gift to be faced with my failures and have a chance to change.

If you value authenticity, I encourage you to read Simple Fly Life: The Manual.  I devote a chapter to the subject and show you how to have authenticity in the face of a materialistic and consumerism-sick culture.  The Manual is available in  print and ebook format.  Order yours today!  Link below.


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