The New Normal

Things are beginning to appear that they will relax restrictions, and we will be able to rejoin each other in society soon.  A new normal will be in place, different from the old ways of doing things, and distinct from what is going on now.

In this time of change, I urge you to consider what you want your new normal to be.  Many of us have learned important lessons through COVID about priorities, responsibilities, and what is truly meaningful.  How sad it would be to lose all the blessings of this difficult time in our rush back to "normal."

My mantra for shaping my life going forward is "quality over quantity."  I want to make room and keep space for the important things of life, not the demanding or seemingly urgent.  I want quality in my relationships.  I want time for my family.  I want to invest in the people that matter most to me.  I want to know who my friends are.

I don't want to go back to being busy and frenetic in my schedule.  I want structure to guide what my plans are.  I don't want my health to take a back seat.  I want to build in time for the gym, for rest, and for thinking (which is my kind of fun).

My tentative schedule is already on my calendar and in my notes for the middle of May going forward.  There is rigidity and there is flexibility.  There is time for clients and time for family.  There is time for quality - and for a quantity.

If you struggle with time management, just know that it is more skill than talent, and all of us can improve.  For tips on how to structure your day and make the most of your time, please check out Simple Fly Life: The Manual, available on Amazon in print and ebook format.  An entire chapter is devoted to how to make the most of the time we have.  It is great reading.  Order your copy today! Link below


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