It's All School

When I was a young woman, I had a friend who once philosophically said in reference to life, "it's all school."  That phrase stuck in my head, and I have found it true and resonating at many points in my journey through this existence.

He meant that this series of experiences are to train us for what lies ahead.  I agree with that completely.  I think that each of us pays a different price to the school of life, learns different lessons, and learns at varied paces, but it is school for each one of us.

What have you learned through the pandemic?  If you haven't yet, take some time to reflect on this.  It would be terrible if this pandemic experience was lost on us or wasted.  What did you learn?  What did you learn about leadership, media, herd mentality, and yourself?

Did you come face to face with uncomfortable truths about yourself?  I know I did.  Did you realize how limited humans are?  I did.  Did you learn again how big God is?   I certainly did.

We are not through it yet.  It is not over, even though the restrictions for lockdown are loosening.  Brace yourself, and be prepared to be flexible and adapt.  Our food supply and way of life are not done being altered.

If you want access to a book that tells about the path to a financially stable life with less for more freedom, please look into my first work:  Minimize:  Kill your debt. Live your dream.   I was far enough along on the journey to realize that I was able to radically change my financial health and outcome if I stayed the course and got 100% debt free.  Minimize was written in 2013, and my family was debt-free in June of 2015.

It was such a relief to be mortgage free, credit card debt free, and car payment free during the lockdown.  I was unable to work with clients, but God provided; and with our low living expenses, we did not experience a change to our standard of living like others have had.

I encourage you to go back to the beginning and start a new beginning.  Pick up Minimize:  Kill your debt.  Live your dream.  today.  Link below


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