
Be a zebra in a room full of donkeys.

By simplifying, you will be departing from the norm.  You may seem wild, unhinged.  Trust me though, it is better this way.

Your friends may not understand why you are giving up your polka-dot pumps and your party dress.  But you know that you have not worn that ensemble since Clinton was in office, and have no intention of wearing it again...ever.

You may seem strange to your relatives that you don't dine out on the weekends anymore.  They may chide you for not upgrading your car.  They may think you need a bigger home for your growing family when you want to make do with your current bungalow.

Accept your stripes now, so you can be proud of your stripes later.

Have the closet space filled with what you like and look good in when you go out.  Your friends that wondered about your health and were astonished of you will compliment you on an outfit that fits perfectly and you radiate confidence while wearing.

Your family that saw you roll around in a beater will be asking for advice on finances when you are debt-free.  Your growing nest egg will look oh-so-suave on your computer screen when you check the balances and oh!...you just got another dividend from your dividend aristocrat stock that has been climbing the charts for you.  You will be invested (and hopefully diversified) in ways that will help you have hope for the future.  You might be able to retire early even, my zebra friend.

When the donkeys are laughing at your striped and lonely self, just realize that when you no longer have a cluttered home (and your home looks like a staged home in a glamorous magazine) and you retire all debt and start building wealth at a phenomenal pace, you are going to be laughing all the way to the bank.

Be a zebra.


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