
Right now you are standing at the gateway to an incredible future.  You have the ability to enter in to a reality that many only dream of - living intentionally.

Raising your foot to start entering through the gate is to accept responsibility for where you are right now.  No more blaming.  You accept that you are where you are at because of choices you have made and reactions to circumstances you have had.

To start moving towards the gate you need to accept reality as it is, and not try to escape from it in all possible moments.  To know if you are able to accept reality, see if you can embrace silence.  If you can sit with yourself, without radio, TV, internet, video game, movie, novel, etc., you are well on your way to peace with your surroundings and yourself.

Along the way through the gate, you need to divest yourself of faulty habits.  If your goal is to get out of debt, you need to sever ties with the pleasures that devour your paycheck.  If your goal is to simplify your house, you need to bid your retail therapy at the home goods stores goodbye.

When you are on the other side of the gate, you will be met with something profound.  You will have a sense of purpose and direction that is unequalled in the experience of life.  You will know you are in charge of your destiny.  You will have a plan, a dream, and your life and your dream life will meld into one in the same.


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